Who should participate?

One of the most commonly asked questions when I visit potential clients is:

“Who should participate?”

They often ask: “We are thinking of promoting somebody. Can you take them on a course about leadership?”

Our response: “No. We don’t do that.”

And this is where we might differ from other organisations out in the marketplace.

Our belief is that in order to become a better leader and therefore invest in leadership development, you need to be in a leadership role.

We aren’t here to educate in theory. We are here to engage with people who have the responsibility of leading other people. Whether first line or first time supervisor; whether CEO or MD. If you are currently in a leadership position and you have responsibility to lead other people, that’s the best time to invest in leadership development.

This is so that you can:

  • Absorb the information we share and internalise it.
  • Use the tools we give you and apply them on a day-to-day basis.
  • Assess your results, then continue to do the things that are making a significant difference.
  • Change how you do the things that aren’t making a significant difference.
  • Acknowledge what you didn’t realise has been working and keep doing it!

Why is this important?

Take a sports team, for example. They might have the best striker in the country, but they still go to practice and get coached every day. They learn to become better every single day. Leadership is no different.

I hope this has given you some insight and answered your question. If it hasn’t, ask your question in the form and I will answer with a personalised video within 24 hours.

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