Before moving on to our fourth success essential, I’d first like to take us back…to childhood!
Now while there is plenty on which to reminisce – snotty noses, playground scrapes, bedtime stories – I’d like to focus on one childhood specific, and how ultimately it can help you on your Leadership voyage.
“Come on back and we’ll see if you remember the simplest thing of all – how it is to be children, secure in belief and thus afraid of the dark.” – IT, Stephen King
Children are believers. In the purest form. They believe in magic and monsters and flying reindeer controlled by a bearded immortal in a red suit. And while the jury may still be out on the existence of that last one, it’s safe to say that children are belief machines. But children, being that they are so young, also have very little control over the day-to-day workings of their lives. This lack of personal agency combined with their powerful imaginations lends itself to one very particular skill at which children excel…
For a child, the act of wishing is fundamental. Whether it be for a snow day so that school might be cancelled, or for an unexpected trip to Disneyland, wishes come as naturally to children as flight comes to birds.
But wishes are passive. They take no work. At the first sight of a shooting star or a candle on a birthday cake, we just fling ‘em out there in the hopes of a miracle. Wishes are easy.
For children, wishes are expected and often encouraged. But for adults…too much wishing can be a problem.
“Don’t wish. Don’t start. Wishing only wounds the heart” – Wicked, Stephen Schwartz
Alright, time to grow up and get back on the leader ship. How do we differentiate between a goal and a wish? Simple. It’s the fourth leadership essential…
Passion and desire put action into your plans. Remember, plans? Your written, tangible, achievable plans? (If not you can check out last month’s blog.) Well, those plans are useless without passion, no matter how worthy your goal. Because, let’s face it: if you don’t really want to do it, you’re probably not going to.
But, don’t throw in the towel just yet! The fire isn’t totally snuffed out. It’s just that lives are complicated, and the diversions and distractions that come from being a human being on this planet can and will absolutely lead to a passion block. You just need to get the embers burning again.
Creating passion really isn’t as complicated as it seems. Desire comes from within and, because we control our own destiny (see Personal Responsibility), we can stimulate and harness it. Picture a mouthwatering, succulent steak long enough (sorry to any veggies) and you’re probably going to become hungry. In an instant, simply by focusing on the thing you want, you can create a desire for it.
Advertising is specifically designed to make us desire. So why not do that for yourself and tailor it to suit your goals?
TOP TIP: Surround yourselves with the things that stimulate your passion.
– Create a mood/Pinterest board that you can regularly refer to, and fill it with images and quotes that inspire.
– Craft a playlist of songs, podcasts and/or other media that drives your creativity and gets you in the zone.
– Surround yourself with the works of the people that are where you want to be. It’s a good reminder that your goal is possible!
It has been said to “strike while the iron is hot” and if that’s the case, then good for you, keeping doing that! But sometimes the iron is lukewarm and we have to strike anyway. There will never be a right time and if you wait for circumstances to act on you, creating desire will be as impossible as teaching a tortoise to drive a motorbike.
We can often be made to feel that it is wrong to “want.” But ambition isn’t a dirty word. You can be kind, generous and empathic, while still being laser-focused and goal-driven. It requires balance, for sure, and will definitely take some adjustments along the way, but it is certainly possible.
As you discover how to awaken, develop and test your desires against your own values, you will learn to judge whether or not the goals you have written into your plan are real. The goals you most desire will take the highest priority and provide you with a passionate, self-motivation. They will be the “stars” upon which you can act…
…rather than simply wish.
Nearly there! Check back next month for the penultimate pillar…Positive Expectancy.
Before moving on to our fourth success essential, I’d first like to take us back…to childhood!
Now while there is plenty on which to reminisce – snotty noses, playground scrapes, bedtime stories – I’d like to focus on one childhood specific, and how ultimately it can help you on your Leadership voyage.
“Come on back and we’ll see if you remember the simplest thing of all – how it is to be children, secure in belief and thus afraid of the dark.” – IT, Stephen King
Children are believers. In the purest form. They believe in magic and monsters and flying reindeer controlled by a bearded immortal in a red suit. And while the jury may still be out on the existence of that last one, it’s safe to say that children are belief machines. But children, being that they are so young, also have very little control over the day-to-day workings of their lives. This lack of personal agency combined with their powerful imaginations lends itself to one very particular skill at which children excel…
For a child, the act of wishing is fundamental. Whether it be for a snow day so that school might be cancelled, or for an unexpected trip to Disneyland, wishes come as naturally to children as flight comes to birds.
But wishes are passive. They take no work. At the first sight of a shooting star or a candle on a birthday cake, we just fling ‘em out there in the hopes of a miracle. Wishes are easy.
For children, wishes are expected and often encouraged. But for adults…too much wishing can be a problem.
“Don’t wish. Don’t start. Wishing only wounds the heart” – Wicked, Stephen Schwartz
Alright, time to grow up and get back on the leader ship. How do we differentiate between a goal and a wish? Simple. It’s the fourth leadership essential…
Passion and desire put action into your plans. Remember, plans? Your written, tangible, achievable plans? (If not you can check out last month’s blog.) Well, those plans are useless without passion, no matter how worthy your goal. Because, let’s face it: if you don’t really want to do it, you’re probably not going to.
But, don’t throw in the towel just yet! The fire isn’t totally snuffed out. It’s just that lives are complicated, and the diversions and distractions that come from being a human being on this planet can and will absolutely lead to a passion block. You just need to get the embers burning again.
Creating passion really isn’t as complicated as it seems. Desire comes from within and, because we control our own destiny (see Personal Responsibility), we can stimulate and harness it. Picture a mouthwatering, succulent steak long enough (sorry to any veggies) and you’re probably going to become hungry. In an instant, simply by focusing on the thing you want, you can create a desire for it.
Advertising is specifically designed to make us desire. So why not do that for yourself and tailor it to suit your goals?
TOP TIP: Surround yourselves with the things that stimulate your passion.
– Create a mood/Pinterest board that you can regularly refer to, and fill it with images and quotes that inspire.
– Craft a playlist of songs, podcasts and/or other media that drives your creativity and gets you in the zone.
– Surround yourself with the works of the people that are where you want to be. It’s a good reminder that your goal is possible!
It has been said to “strike while the iron is hot” and if that’s the case, then good for you, keeping doing that! But sometimes the iron is lukewarm and we have to strike anyway. There will never be a right time and if you wait for circumstances to act on you, creating desire will be as impossible as teaching a tortoise to drive a motorbike.
We can often be made to feel that it is wrong to “want.” But ambition isn’t a dirty word. You can be kind, generous and empathic, while still being laser-focused and goal-driven. It requires balance, for sure, and will definitely take some adjustments along the way, but it is certainly possible.
As you discover how to awaken, develop and test your desires against your own values, you will learn to judge whether or not the goals you have written into your plan are real. The goals you most desire will take the highest priority and provide you with a passionate, self-motivation. They will be the “stars” upon which you can act…
…rather than simply wish.
Nearly there! Check back next month for the penultimate pillar…Positive Expectancy.