From Manager To Coach: Leading Your Team to Greater Heights

Organisations today are moving away from traditional, hierarchical structures and embracing a model where teams operate with greater autonomy and interdependence. This transformation requires leaders to adapt by fostering an environment where team members are empowered to take ownership of organisational success. Effective leadership in this new structure involves facilitating open communication, addressing concerns proactively,…

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The Six Pillars of Personal Leadership: Persistence

It’s been a long journey since our Personal Leader-ship set sail, but we’ve finally made it to our sixth and final pillar.  However, if you thought that by reaching our destination we’d be able to throw down the anchor and bask in the sunlight of our success, think again, because we’re talking… PERSISTENCE Okay, so that…

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The Six Pillars of Personal Leadership: Passion

Before moving on to our fourth success essential, I’d first like to take us back…to childhood! Now while there is plenty on which to reminisce – snotty noses, playground scrapes, bedtime stories – I’d like to focus on one childhood specific, and how ultimately it can help you on your Leadership voyage. “Come on back…

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The six pillars of personal leadership: Plan

Alright, so you’ve taken personal responsibility for yourself and your life, you have defined your purpose with laser-like precision, and now the Personal Leadership is most definitely on course. But with the possibility of high winds, impending icebergs and even on-ship mutiny, how can you possibly navigate the stormy seas ahead? Well, it’s time to…

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The Six Pillars of Personal Leadership: Purpose

Purpose is the thing that drives us. Without it, we’re a rudderless ship, drifting in a sea of untapped potential and missed opportunity. Sure, we might have a spark of inspiration in the wee hours of the night that nudges us in a new and exciting direction; or perhaps a book, film, or podcast will motivate us to get up and go! But as quick as it arrives, that feeling will often subside, and the answers we were seeking can become elusive and hard to pin down.

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The Importance of Productivity in Business

No matter the business, big or small, the ability to get things done efficiently and effectively can be make or break. And in the fast-paced, hyper competitive world of business, the key to success is simple: productivity. So let’s explore… Why is productivity important? An Edge: Productive businesses can deliver products and services faster, giving…

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The first step is to identify and track the positive habits you are already doing that increase productivity.  You can make a list, a chart or whatever works for you to pinpoint what’s working and to keep doing it.

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Listening is probably the most important part of communication.  It can reduce misunderstanding, improve relationships and build empathy. And listening isn’t just nodding and “uh-huh”-ing while thinking about the next thing you want to say.  If you’re already crafting the perfect counterpoint, you’re not really taking anything in.

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